This compilation comes to us from Slovenia and is the new release of their record label Downtown Recordings. It was released in the year 2008. And here is the re-write from the CD cover:
"The compilation is covering many different genres and styles, which all have one thing in common - everybody contributed the music freely for this compilation. This is a DIY and BIY release. Licenced under creative commons. The title postindustrial changes reflects the way of life, which is imposed to us by transnational corporations, which are bombarding us with images, opinions, trends, styles and more... So we associate certain images with certain characteristics, therefore we are buying products based on the images, therefore we are consequencaly building our identity by bying ceretain products. Images mediated by media have become the primary carriers of our social life. But because these images have nothing to do with reality , we have found ourselves in the society 'simulakra', meaning the identical copy of something which originally never existed."
01 Night Walker - Pain Killer
02 dreDDup - Not From Here
03 Dichotomy Engine - His Oriental VHS
04 Dichotomy Engine - Constant Extension
05 Deus Noir - Pulse
06 Downtown Crew - The Choir
07 dreDDup - Inside Out
08 Downtown Crew - Tesnoba
09 610 - Who R U??
10 Spinnet - Drummertime
11 Children Egoism - Whole Body
12 Otonin - Naruto-fan
13 Third I - Third Eye Cry
14 Trakur - Unutarnja
15 Blank Disc - Akustika
16 Strange Kind of Human - Mayab'de
17 Lezet - Claptrap 8
18 Night Walker - Telephone
Novo izdanje - Postindustrial Changes
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